Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Vatican steps forward, then back again

Last week a Vatican official declared that intelligent design isn’t science, has no place in science classrooms, and that evolution does not contradict the teachings of the Church. According to the Reverend George Coyne, Jesuit director of the Vatican (astronomical) Observatory, "God in his infinite freedom continuously creates a world that reflects that freedom at all levels of the evolutionary process to greater and greater complexity. He is not continually intervening, but rather allows, participates, loves."

Good work, Vatican.

This week? Not so much.

Tuesday the Congregation for Catholic Education, the Vatican department in charge of seminaries (which are like colleges for potential priests for you never-been Catholics out there), released an order forbidding seminaries from accepting candidates to the priesthood who "practice homosexuality," have "deeply rooted homosexual tendencies" or support "gay culture". In forbidding celibate gays and even straight supporters of gay culture from becoming priests the directive goes far beyond any literal interpretation of Biblical verse. The Bible of course forbids gay intercourse (Leviticus 20:13 goes so far as to insist upon the death penalty, but then that same chapter demands the same penalty for children who curse their parents, so it’s perhaps not one to take too literally), but the heart of the Church’s opposition to homosexuality must be simply Exodus 20:14, better known as the 7th Commandment, which states thou shalt not commit adultery. Since the Church forbids gay marriage all homosexual relationships are therefore adulterous and against the rules.

Of course it makes perfect sense to insist upon identical standards and demand celibacy from both straight and gay priests, but to harbor such hatred for gays that it seems like a good idea to go so far as barring heterosexuals who support equal rights for gays from becoming priests? Sanctimoniousness like that is hardly moral, and certainly contrary to the Golden Rule. I certainly want no part of it... but then as a straight man who supports gay rights the Church apparently wants no part of me, either.



At 11:16 AM, Blogger briwei said...

No, they want a part of you. It's the wallet part.


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