Saturday, November 26, 2005

Tevye would be proud

By the power vested in me by the regents of the University of Colorado I do hereby declare the Christmas season officially open.

It is tradition in my family that every year as Thanksgiving draws to a close my father makes the above proclimation. It is very imporatant, as until the season is officially opened my mother is not allowed to play Christmas music or decorate the house. This year, however, we had Thanksgiving dinner at a family friend's home and my sister's family was out camping, so the proclimation didn't get made until this afternoon.

The twist, for those of you keeping score at home, is that as a graduate of the University of Colorado I am likewise empowered with the authority to make this very important proclimation.

And so it was made. And now I am a man.

Or something like that.



At 8:27 PM, Blogger briwei said...

See, I told her we should have called for the proclamation! Blast!


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