Monday, May 15, 2006

On the restoration of Lindsay

Clicking makes Lindsay a little bit bigger
You're getting there, LiLo. Keep the faith.
I keep a list of things to blog about. Something interesting comes up in the news and I save the URL so I can talk about it sometime in the future. My list currently includes another nationally-embarrassing Bush issue, some weird science headlines and a couple of potential “10 things” topics.

None of that sounds interesting to me this morning.

So instead, how about some mindless celebrity fawning? That’s always fun.

Back in January I noted Lindsay Lohan’s return to health, sanity and hotness, but lamented her unfortunate choice of hair color.

Well check it out. The red is back. Whoo hoo!

Now if only she’d stop covering up those freckles with stupid makeup, the healing would be complete.



At 4:54 PM, Blogger briwei said...

I'm sure she appreciates your approval. She told me she has been doing it all or you. You should call her. Ok, "she" didn't tell me. It was one of those friend of a friend things.


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