Thursday, April 27, 2006

Illinois: He’s not our president

No clicking today
I ain't gonna do it
The Illinois state legislature is about to throw a monkey wrench into national politics. Referencing a never before used loophole in US House rules, the General Assembly is debating a resolution that would bring charges against President Bush and oblige the Republican controlled House to take up impeachment proceedings. In all likelihood the House would allow the measure to die in committee, but the message would be sent, and the president’s name forever attached to the words “high crimes against America”.

This is a fascinating twist. Congressional Democrats have no doubt been hesitant to bring up even symbolic impeachment proceedings against the President for fear of a backlash like the one that hurt Republicans after Monicagate. Beyond that, congressional Democrats ought to be focusing on how to win the upcoming midterm elections, not how to embarrass an already lame-duck president. But a local legislature in a solidly Democratic state? That’s another story entirely. Springfield can send a message that Washington cannot, with no risk of backlash.

Go for it.



At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know as much as I dispise Bush unless we can fully remove him and his hawks "impeaching" him will only muddy the waters more. With 2 prez in a row "impeached" I think the executive branch will suffer harm that will last longer and do more damage to the office of the president than Bush can do to it himself.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Cirrus of Malla said...

That's a good point. Actually I meant to say something about that in the original post, but forgot.

I would hate to see impeachment become a regular occurrence that every opposition party tries for each president. But on the other hand, I can’t think of a president in recent history who has done more to actually merit impeachment than Bush. Should we allow Clinton to be a shield for him?

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed Bush has been pretty damn bad and he gets to skate becouse the GOP made a farce of the process with Clinton.

The best thing that can happen is the Dems get all the deserters and we get a at least half was decent person in office next. But I dont have a lot of faith in any of the people the talking heads think will run.


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