Friday, April 07, 2006

Gee Dubbya and Judas Iscariot


According to testimony by Scooter Libby, President Bush authorized the treasonous outing of a CIA advisor whose views undermined the administration’s rationale for invading Iraq. That’s right, I said treasonous. What else could leaking the identify of an intelligence agent to the media for political gain possibly be considered? Assuming this is true, there is no excuse for Republicans in Congress not to immediately begin considering impeachment. Nevermind the Democrats. Certainly, anyone who forgives such an act in the name of party loyalty loses all credibility on any issue related to patriotism.

Moving on to astonishing news story number two, Christianity has a new gospel to ponder. The Gospel of Judas, found in the Egyptian desert more than 30 years ago and only recently released in translated form, challenges long-held assumptions by the Church and portrays Judas as a favored disciple who turned Jesus in to Roman authorities at Jesus' own request, in order to fulfill prophesies.

This should provoke one hell of a debate in religious circles.



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