Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ding dong, the witch is dead

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Maybe he can join Newt writing books glorifying rebellions against America
Tom DeLay, the biggest hypocrite in Washington, most offensive fraud of a principled Christian to come along since Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart, and all around poor excuse for a decent human being, revealed to Time Magazine and later announced publicly that he will step aside from Congress and not seek reelection.

Through it all DeLay remains strictly unapologetic about his crimes. He continues to whine that the wicked liberals are out to get him, that he hasn’t done anything illegal or immoral while in office and that the most legitimate complaints thrown at him have to do with his fondness for a game of golf. His reason for cutting and running like a little girl? He’s afraid to lose. Polls in his Texas district give DeLay no better than a 50-50 chance of winning, so he has decided a fair fight isn’t worth the effort. Better to pack things in and pretend to claim the high ground than risk getting beat.

So here’s to you, Tom. You’re a perfect microcosm of the GOP power block. May it go down in flames with as much grace and dignity as your sorry ass.

See you in a van down by the river.



At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jesus. your all worked up.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger briwei said...

Nah. Passionate involves too much of an expenditure of energy. He prefers the path of least resistance.


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