Friday, January 13, 2006

Don’t drink the water

Oh sure, Manassas looks like a nice little town, but don't be fooled - it's the devil's playground.
What is it with Manassas, anyway? The town seems to spawn politicians that behave, to put it mildly, obtusely. Regular readers here may remember back in October when the City School Board was shocked upon learning that high school students sometimes get horny. Those who keep up with my alter-ego BeyondDC also know the City Council has been taking heat recently for a blatantly discriminatory housing bill that made it illegal for extended families to live together.

Today I present to you Exhibit C: Commonwealth Delegate Robert Marshall, a Republican from Manassas nicknamed “Turkey Baster Bob”, has introduced legislation to the General Assembly making artificial insemination illegal for single women. Not for married women, just single women. The esteemed Mr. Baster Bob apparently believes the possibility of lesbians procreating is such a threat to society that they must be thwarted with legislation. Of course, he’s only thinking of the children. Better they not be born at all than have to endure the terrible hardship of growing up with a homosexual parent. But then, as the author of that article points out, lesbians and other unmarried women who want to have children could still do it the old fashioned way, possibly with a little help from good ole José Cuervo.

So let’s tally the score: By Manassas standards “family values” means “encouraging people who want to start a family to have alcohol-assisted unprotected sex with strangers” and “children born to single women are better off dead”.

Yup. Sounds like a nice, healthy environment for a family to raise kids.



At 11:50 AM, Blogger briwei said...

Manassas, gateway to the old south! But there is no more racism or discrimination, remember? Don't worry, Sammy boy will be in there protecting them.


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