More HHHs
I had planned on posting some pictures from the Halloween party I attended Saturday / Sunday, but I left my camera with the car a few blocks down and didn't take any. Though my friend Andrea promises to share hers, they're not ready yet and if I'm to make a blogpost about Halloween on Halloween I only have another few minutes.
So instead, how about some random pictures of costumes I find funny? Most of them come from, which is exactly what it sounds like (that is to say, NC-17), so don't go looking at work or in front your children, parents or anyone else who might be bothered by pictures of drunkenness and debauchery.
We'll start with something benign. A tea bag. Clever.
7 more below...
I don't know whether this girl is about to throw up or do something else. Either way it was probably hilarious.
Perhaps a little too 90s, but I'll cut these fembots some slack.
Both of these are awesome. I want to party with these people.
I guess he survived the bombing.
Get it?
Nintendo themes are big with the kids these days. This is perhaps a bit more original than the Mario and Luigi thing that someone is always doing.
We all the know the rule. Guys go as something funny and girls go as the slutty version of anything. If you are anything like me, however, you didn't realize this was an option in the slutty category.
Tags: funny
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