Next stop: Hollywood
Not sure how I didn’t think to post about this earlier. Those of you whom I speak with regularly already know about it, but except for the story about the exploding python that most of you probably also already know about nothing interesting is happening today, so how about a little ego-stroking on my part?
A couple of times a month I sell photos from my website. I don’t make a whole lot of money off it, but I enjoy photography and the website is good for getting me name recognition in professional planning circles, so if I can recoup some of the costs by selling photos then that’s more than fine by me. Most of what I sell goes to people like building developers putting together advertisements showing how wonderful the area around their building is or planning magazines looking to illustrate some principle of city life. Fairly boring stuff, usually. But recently I made a very exciting sale – to CBS for use in their new prime time drama Threshold. The show is set (at least partially) in DC and they needed a shot of a nighttime cityscape to bluescreen in as a background during a scene in a car.
This is the picture they bought, taken from the roof of my apartment building. It shows Bailey's Crossroads, VA.

I don’t know which episode it will air in or even if it’s already been on. If you see it, let me know!
Tags: personal photography
Sweet. Will you remember us when you are rich and famous?
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