Tuesday, September 13, 2005

At least he's not Antonin

The confirmation hearings for would-be Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts have begun and predictably, Roberts isn't saying much.

Personally, I'm conflicted about Roberts. Obviously he's a more conservative choice than I would like to see, but considering who's nominating him and who's in charge of Congress I doubt anyone better is likely, so I won't complain too much on that front. What I'm not comfortable with, specifically, is Roberts' experience. I was distressed enough with the idea of putting a judge with only two years of experience on the Supreme Court at all, but to make him Chief Justice? Isn't that a bit too great a leap of faith? Don't we need a little more to go on before making this man head of an entire branch of government than two years on the Federal DC Court of Appeals?

On the other hand, even if Roberts turns out to be a horrible justice, it could be worse.



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