Tuesday, November 28, 2006

World’s largest collection of coloring books

Here’s the deal: I was spending far too much time writing for Danspotting before. If I’m to get back into it, posts will necessarily have less original content and more links, quotes, pictures, etc.

But as I like a good Bush-bashing session as much as anyone, this was too good to pass up.

From the New York Daily News:
He may be a certified lame duck now, but President Bush and his truest believers are about to launch their final campaign - an eye-popping, half-billion-dollar drive for the Bush presidential library.
… And from the San Francisco Chronicle:
George W. Bush, who is often photographed reading to children on the presidential campaign trail, was asked in a survey recently to name his favorite book from childhood. He cited Eric Carle's ``The Very Hungry Caterpillar.'' Trouble is, it wasn't published until 1969 -- the year after he graduated from Yale.
For the record, Clinton’s Presidential trailer library (photo) was a paltry $165 million. Gee Dubbya’s would set a new record, by far.



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